Kabel Fiber Optik Sensor high response : BF4R, BF4G, BF3RX

Harga :
Lokasi :
Banten - Tangerang
Dilihat :
6 Kali
Update Terakhir :
06-12-2019 06:06

Detail Produk

Features: *High speed response ( Max : 0.5ms) . *Automatic sensitivity setting( Button setting) / Remote sensitivity setting *External synchronized input/ interference protection/ self-diagnosis function. * Over current protection and reverse power polarity protection * Timer function : OFF delay ( Approx. 40ms fixed) * Light ON/ DARK ON mode automatically selectable *Suitable for small target and narrow space. Please Discuss with Us : Kami menyedian kebutuhan ballast lampu TL Explosionproof untuk penggantian kerusakan lampu TL Explosionproof berbagai merek . silahkan hubungi kami : B&C Multi Solusi LTC Glodok Lt. UG Blok A27 No.7 Jl. Hayamwuruk 127 Jakarta INDONESIA Telp. + 62 21- 26071513 / 62310487 Fax: + 62 21 62310487 Email: bncsales@ gmail.com HOTLINE : + 62 8562167281 *Note: Harga aktual via telepon

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